Donate to Saving Second Base

Click here to visit our team page You can join our team or to make a donation to a team member simply click on their name or make a general donation by clicking on "Support Saving Second Base" and print off a donation form.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Garage Sale!

Hey Everyone! We had a successful garage sale today! Totals are still being calculated but it looks as though we've brought in $878! Thank you all so much for your donations, purchases, and help for the big event.

Check us out at

Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Team Meeting

We had our first official team meeting today! It is really exciting to see how much our team has grown since last year. We recently had two more officially register on our team (congratulations to Kelly and Janine Shockley. We also had people at our meeting today who are planning to register to walk with us but who haven't signed up yet. Right now it looks as though we will have about 11 or 12 walkers on our team. What a huge jump from last year! I think that once word got out about the walk and they heard how much fun we had supporting it, that it was hard not to become involved, it really is an amazing experience!

With such a large team that means that our fund raising needs to be B-I-G this year. Last year we primarily asked for personal donations from family and friends. Seeing how this may become a yearly tradition we hate to ask those same people again for their generous donations. So, at the meeting today we came up with some great ideas for how we are going to raise money for our team. With each walker needing to raise $2,000 we have to be creative and reach out to our community. I'm really excited about the ideas that we have come up with. Stay tuned because as they get planned you won't want to miss out on the fun!

If you would like to join us, our first team walk is April 18th at 3pm. We will walk approximately 4 miles. We would love to have you walk with us, even if you aren't planning on joining the team (dogs are always welcome)!

Check us out at

Sunday, February 21, 2010

And then there were 8...

Congratulations to Shari Raper for joining Saving Second Base!
We are thrilled to have her on our team.

Check us out at

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saving Second Base Team Members:

Jane Cannon
Stacy Smith
Abby Weidberg
Lisa Fry
Becky Donnelson
Inge Campbell
Corey Cannon

Don't you want to join in the fun? Register today for only $25!

Join or Donate to Saving Second Base

Check us out at: